Forever in our hearts
Anthony Matthews
27/12/1971 - 26/07/2024
I'm walking to remember those lost to suicide and help people in crisis
Tragically, every year over 65,000 Australians attempt to take their own life and over 3,000 Australians die by suicide.
Lifeline receives over 1 million contacts from people in crisis each year.
Suicide has devastating impact on friends and loved ones.
For World Suicide Prevention Day (Sept 10), I will be taking part in Out of the Shadows and walking for the 9 people lost to suicide every day.
I'm walking to raise funds for Lifeline to provide suicide prevention services and support for Australians in need.
Please support my walk and sponsor me to help those in crisis.
Together, we can ensure that no one has to face their darkest moments alone.
My impact so far
I've raised $728 so far to answer 18 calls for Lifeline's crisis support hotline to connect and bring hope to people in crisis.
With your support, we can ensure that no person has to face their darkest moments alone.
Thank you to my Sponsors

Call The Nurse Pty Ltd

Edward W
What you’re doing is amazing

National Storage Matched Donation

Tara And Veronica

Jahra Tawhai-king

Well done Lucy! Very worthy cause

Mark Clout

Alex T

i love you baby

Dylan Jachimowicz

Sean Corrick

Danielle Jobson

Taylor Davis💕
Good luck pookie! You got this!

🩷🩷 for those taken from us

Gerry Clout
Thankyou Luce, Love Nan


National Storage Matched Donation

Chantal Mangassarian

Angel-ly Lloyd
love you lucy queen <3 always here if you need anything


Amelia Colubriale
Love you lucyyy! Hope you and your family are doing okay💗 Love and appreciate you!!

National Storage Matched Donation
Our Team

Jordana Barnes (C)

Karen Barnes

Ella Matthews

Kurt Barnes

Josie Matthews

Merryn Ryan

Lucy Clout

Charlie Clout

Emma Keevers

Reggie Nebauer

Maverick Barnes

Deidre Eather

Steve Eather

Love you Luce for supporting Matta ❤️