Peter Kha

Out of the Shadows 2024

Walking from Darkness to Light: Honouring Lives Lost and Inspiring Hope on World Suicide Prevention Day

A Journey from Darkness to Light: Reflecting on the Out of the Shadows Walk

As I prepare to participate in the Out of the Shadows Walk for World Suicide Prevention Day this September 10th, I reflect on a journey that has taken me from ignorance to deep understanding, from judgment to compassion, and from despair to hope.

The Depths of Despair:

Seven years ago, I stood on the precipice of life and death, drowning in a $30,000 debt, jobless, and utterly hopeless. The weight of my burdens was so crushing that it seemed as though the only escape was to end it all. I intimately understand what it's like to contemplate my own death because it felt easier than facing the overwhelming circumstances that surrounded me.

I remember the suffocating darkness, the feeling that I was trapped in a room with no doors or windows, and the cold, creeping despair that whispered to me that I was alone, that there was no way out. The hopelessness was so profound that even breathing felt like a labour, each heartbeat a painful reminder of my continued existence in a world that seemed to have no place for me.

A Journey of Understanding:

What makes this journey even more poignant is that prior to this dark period, I was a person who viewed suicide through a lens of ignorance. I shunned those who struggled, dismissing their pain as cowardice. I was quick to judge, failing to understand the depth of despair that could drive someone to consider taking their own life.

But as I stood at the edge of that abyss myself, I came to realise how profoundly wrong I had been. I learned, through my own suffering, that suicide is not a choice made out of weakness, but a response to overwhelming pain and hopelessness.

Becoming a Beacon of Hope:

The depths of my suffering have profoundly shaped who I am today. For the past seven years, I’ve dedicated myself to being a beacon of hope for others, actively illuminating the path for those who find themselves in the darkness I once knew all too well. I’ve become the nurturer and protector that I longed for during my own darkest moments, committed to being the guiding light I so desperately needed.

I made a solemn decision during my recovery: That ALL roads would end with me. I would be the end of the road for the kind of pain and suffering that once threatened to consume me. No matter the cost, I would bear the weight of others' burdens, determined to ensure that no one else would have to walk through their darkest hours alone as I had to. The isolation I faced during my own struggles has instilled in me an unshakeable resolve to stand as a shield for others, to protect them from the despair that nearly overtook me.

I know what it’s like to search desperately for a glimmer of light in the midst of overwhelming darkness, only to be met with emptiness and shadows. I had to navigate that path alone, without the support I so desperately needed. But just because I had to endure it alone doesn’t mean anyone else should. I’ve dedicated my life to ensuring that as long as I have the strength, no one will have to face their struggles in isolation.

Throughout my journey, I chose to carry the weight of not only my own struggles, but the struggles and burdens of others because I understood that my vision was bigger than myself. If enduring a minor wound meant sparing someone else from a deeper, more devastating blow, it was a burden I was willing to bear. Everything is relative, and if parting with something small could transform someone else’s life in a profound way, why wouldn’t I make that sacrifice?

To those around me, I may have appeared as a source of endless strength, a beacon of hope with an inexhaustible well of resilience. But even the strongest among us are not immune to wear and tear. Over time, even the smallest wounds, when inflicted repeatedly, leave lasting scars. I grew weary of carrying the load alone, until I found faith. In that moment, I realised that no pit of despair is too deep, no darkness too overwhelming for God’s love and light to reach. His love is the ultimate beacon, unwavering and ever-present, ready to guide us out of even the darkest moments. Now, with God’s strength within me, I walk forward with renewed purpose, knowing that neither I, nor anyone else, has to face life’s battles alone.

This journey from being someone in need to becoming a pillar of strength for others is more than just a personal victory—it’s a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, the transformative power of compassion, and the guiding light of faith. By turning my past pain into a purpose, I’ve come to understand that the light I was searching for during my darkest times was not just within me but was a reflection of the divine light that God had placed there, waiting to be kindled and shared with those who need it most. Through faith, that light has grown brighter, enabling me to offer hope and strength to others in their darkest moments.

The Reality of Suicide in Australia:

Tragically, the pain I once experienced is not unique. Each year, over 65,000 Australians attempt to take their own lives, and more than 3,000 of them die by suicide. These numbers are not just statistics—they represent the profound grief, loss, and void left in the hearts of families, friends, and communities across our nation.

Organisations like Lifeline receive over 1 million contacts from people in crisis each year, offering a vital connection to those who are struggling. While these resources are essential, the path to healing is often long and complex, requiring not only external support but also a deep inner strength—something I learned through my own journey.

A Path to Healing:

My own journey from darkness to light was one I thought I walked alone, but in truth, I was never truly alone. Even in my darkest moments, a higher power was guiding me, offering me a lifeline when I felt most lost. Through this process of healing and growth, I discovered that true strength doesn’t come from self-reliance alone, but from the willingness to reach out, to ask for help, and to trust in something greater than ourselves. It was through faith that I found the light I needed to not only survive but to thrive and help others do the same.

Walking for Hope:

So when it comes time to walk, I will walk not only to remember those who have lost their lives to suicide but also to acknowledge the profound growth and transformation that have taken place within me. I walk to honour the memory of those whose pain was too great to bear and to stand as a testament to the power of compassion, understanding, and hope. This walk is more than just raising awareness—it’s about offering hope, sending a message to those who are struggling that they are not alone, that their pain is seen, and that there is a way forward.

A Call to Action:

As we come together for the Out of the Shadows Walk on September 10th, I invite you to join us in this vital cause. Here’s how you can help:

  • Participate in the walk: Register at to join us in person or virtually.

  • Donate: Support organisations like Lifeline that provide crucial support to those in crisis.

  • Educate yourself: Learn about the warning signs of suicide and how to support someone who is struggling.

  • Spread awareness: Share this message and start conversations about mental health in your community.

  • Be compassionate: Offer understanding and support to those around you who may be struggling.

  • Become a beacon: Like me, commit to being a source of light and hope for others in their darkest moments.

Let us commit to being beacons of light for those who are struggling. Let us walk with compassion, love, and the unwavering belief that together, we can make a difference. Let us honour the lives lost, uplift those who are struggling, and inspire hope for a brighter future. Through faith and action, we can bring the light of hope to even the darkest corners of despair.

As we walk out of the shadows and into the light, let us remember that even in our darkest moments, hope persists. The Gospel of John reminds us:

"In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." (John 1:4-5 NIV)

This light - the very essence of life and hope - cannot be extinguished by our struggles or pain. It continues to shine, guiding us towards healing and purpose. And as we find our way, we become beacons of that same light for others.

In our journey from despair to hope, we discover a profound truth, as Paul writes in his letter to the Corinthians:

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God." (2 Corinthians 1:3-4 NKJV)

Our struggles, though painful, equip us with a unique ability to empathise and support others facing similar challenges. As we've been comforted, so can we comfort others. This is the beautiful cycle of healing and hope that we're all part of.

So, let us step forward with courage, knowing that our light can pierce through any darkness. Let our stories of survival and resilience become a source of hope for others. Together, we can create a world where no one walks alone in the shadows, where every life is valued, and where hope always prevails.

Remember, you are not alone. You are loved. You are needed. And together, we can make a difference.

My impact so far

I've raised $398 so far to answer 10 calls for Lifeline's crisis support hotline to connect and bring hope to people in crisis.

With your support, we can ensure that no person has to face their darkest moments alone.


My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors


Peter Kha

Target reached 😂👏🏻


Peter Kha

I'll hit the target myself because it's a good cause



Good work mate and gl!



Thanks for having the courage to share your testimony. It is a great cause. Enjoy the walk Peter.


Peter Kha