Kira Dickie

Out of the Shadows 2024

it gets better


i’m back again for another year of raising money to help towards suicide prevention and hopefully help others. in october 2022, i almost successfully attempted to take my own life after making consistent attempts for 10 years. 

since that experience, i haven’t attempted again once. i still struggle with my mental health and emotional regulation, but i now have the privilege to be able to see all of the love and light i’m surrounded by. 

i am walking to remember those that we have lost to suicide, and to hopefully inspire those who feel as though there is no other way out of their pain. life is hard, but with a strong support network and care team, it is possible to get through and life can get better.

since 2022, i have started my own microbakery, i have been able to hold down a job consistently (and have even been thinking of going back to studying next year!), made so many new friends and memories, and i am grateful to my care team and family for helping me survive to the point where i’m happy i’m alive.

i hope someone who needs this can read this and take anything from it. i’m here to support absolutely anyone who needs to talk about their struggles, there is nothing too small and everything you feel is valid. if it’s in your head, it’s still real and it doesn’t matter what anyone says. 

it really does get better. 

My impact so far

I've raised $416 so far to answer 10 calls for Lifeline's crisis support hotline to connect and bring hope to people in crisis.

With your support, we can ensure that no person has to face their darkest moments alone.


My support over 2 years

Over 2 years, I’ve raised $1,150 to answer 29 calls to help Australians in crisis.

My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors


Elaine Tso

You’re amazing! 💞 I love you!


Whitney Sole


Kira Dickie


Alyssa Dickie



Rowland Thomson

25km! lets gooo Kira 🥳





i love ur spirit! proud of u for using ur voice & for putting 1 foot in front of the other. u deserve all the goodness in this life of urs boo ❤️‍🔥✨


Mitch Andrews

