We're walking to remember those lost to suicide and help people in crisis
Tragically, every year over 65,000 Australians attempt to take their own life and over 3,000 Australians die by suicide.
Lifeline receives over 1 million contacts from people in crisis each year.
Suicide has devastating impact on friends and loved ones.
For World Suicide Prevention Day (Sept 10), we will be taking part in Out of the Shadows and walking for the 9 people lost to suicide every day.
We are walking to raise funds for Lifeline to provide suicide prevention services and support Aussies in need.
Please support our walk and make a donation to help those in crisis.
Together we can ensure that no one has to face their darkest moments alone.
Our impact so far
We've raised $4,889 so far to answer 125 calls for Lifeline's crisis support hotline to connect and bring hope to people in crisis.
With your support, we can ensure that no person has to face their darkest moments alone.
Our Achievements

Thank you to our Sponsors

Bravo Marine

Warren Rock


Bravo Marine

Warren Rock
well done MIKE


Nicholas Ludkins
Might not say it but remember I’m always with you bro🤙


Liz Shaw

Digby Family 💖
Love you Van 🥰

For my sister from another mister. Always and forever ♾️

Kellee Matoe

Paul Dorsa

Ben & Charday Devlin

Lulu 💕
💕Go Kel Bel

Lannin French

Well done Van!!!!

Garth Kanair
All the best Vani. Love the Kanair Bears!


Mike Van Woringen

Greg Odgers
Great work Van Morrison

Go hard - great cause - good luck 🤞

Karon Duke
Hi Mike this is a wonderful cause. God bless

Mick And Ali
Well done Anissa you got this and Timmy ❤️

Kath Macnaughton

On ya, Kell Bell xxx

Jaymatt Nominees Pty Ltd
Well done Anissa. Janis and Tony

Iby Jabado
Your the man brother your a great bloke supporting a great cause 🥰🥰

Audy And Steve
A great cause Kel. X

Karen Petrovski

Paul & Ang

Nice work mate, catch up soon 👍

Jodi Fotios
Sending Much love and strength to you and your team supporting a vital service 🤗💙

Marianne Van Woringen
Good luck

Julia Lo Momaco
Love ya Pen ❤️

Susan Sinclair
Thinking of you. Adam and Susan Sinclair

Jules & Ollie
All the best Van ❤️


Tiggy Davies
❤️Larsy well done Kell & yeam

Well done Mike

Natalie Coley
Go Team Larsy! ❤️

Carolina Rowe
Great effort Anissa, I hope this helps some one. xx

Ann Rumbold
Miss you Lara ! 💕 Love this Van , Lara would be stocked you’re doing this . 👏👏

Sarah Goyder
You’ve got this girlfriend

From my friend Julie Thanks Julie

Brad Ch
May you keep up the strength, Mike, good work.

Tina Weeks
Great job Mike , would have loved to join you for the walk but will be in Europe. ❤️

Bernie Canney
Awesome work Vanno - love the Briggy's Clan xx

Kirsten Morgan

Eboni Matoe


Kellee Matoe

Louise Stockden

Jen Hill
Great work Anissa xx

Craig Cannon
Go Vanno


Christina Noonan

Well done for bringing light onto an important cause.

Jodie Crane
Good on you Anissa

Jo E
Good on you Team Larsy She'd be the 1st to step up for another person. Have a great walk.


Jess Mason
You are so strong Anissa. I will always be here for you if you need to chat. Sending you lots of love ❤️

Penny Henshaw

Diane Mclennan

Eboni Matoe

Annette Couper
You are amazing Anissa! Love & hugs x

Annie Brinkworth

Bronte P

Michele Strempel
Best of Luck on reaching the goal Kell xxxx

Rebecca Webb

Lynne Kyle
Hey Kellee - great cause! I wish it could be more but I spent all my dosh on the workshop in December. Hope you reach your target. Lynne x


Daniel Howe

Michael Lee
On ya Van ❤️