We're walking to remember those lost to suicide and help people in crisis
Tragically, every year over 65,000 Australians attempt to take their own life and over 3,000 Australians die by suicide.
Lifeline receives over 1 million contacts from people in crisis each year.
Suicide has devastating impact on friends and loved ones.
For World Suicide Prevention Day (Sept 10), we will be taking part in Out of the Shadows and walking for the 9 people lost to suicide every day.
We are walking to raise funds for Lifeline to provide suicide prevention services and support Aussies in need.
Please support our walk and make a donation to help those in crisis.
Together we can ensure that no one has to face their darkest moments alone.
Our impact so far
We've raised $7,006 so far to answer 179 calls for Lifeline's crisis support hotline to connect and bring hope to people in crisis.
With your support, we can ensure that no person has to face their darkest moments alone.
Our Achievements

Thank you to our Sponsors

Prue Salter

Enlighten Education


Prue Salter

Enlighten Education


Anthea Ng

Shannon Codd
Kel Thank you for your unwavering commitment to the legacy of your brother. To being able to help others x

Gary Hutchen
Congratulations Cindy on your fund-raising efforts for this great cause. Regards, Hutch


Tamara Wikaruk

Gary Honan

Katherine Pym
Beautiful cause! Lots of love xx

Judith Tramboo

Kellie Burns
For my beloved Sean

Sharon Francis
What a beautiful thing to do in honour of your amazing brother and all of those people who suffer in silence ❤️

Renee Armstrong
Such a great cause Kel, sorry I missed the walk today xx

Mark Harrington

Erica Jobberns

Trang Nguyen

Mikayla Bowie

A special cause ❤️

Dannielle Miller

Wonderful cause

Adam, Justin & Harrison Rowe


I hope this helps x

Philippa Montier

Sandy Bayssari

Christina Properzi

Cathy Cabezas
Good luck Megan! 👏🙏


Rourke Family
One foot in front of the other xx

Tracy Triggell
RIP Brendan, forever loved and missed.

Kelly-ann Bowles

Amy Brooks
You’ve got this Megan xx


Jo Stephens
Great cause xx

Aimee Perry

Jodi Sellick
Thank you Megan. A really important cause for so many. Big hugs for the walk.


Anna Maria

K Wayte
Great cause Megan xx


Debra Palmer

Michael Mcdonnell

Elaine Hazzard
Well done

Diane Fazio
Love Mum xx

Love your work ❤️



Sarah Wilson
Beautiful - What a worthy cause xxx

Christine Alves

Melinda Jenkins

Jo Jo Binns

Jacqui Habib

Caitlin Shaw

Karen Austin



Megan Bowie

Andrew Mcdermott
For Sean

Lucy Snowball
Good luck Danni!

Zac Mckenzie
For Uncle Sean

Gary Fazio
Great cause Megan

Dannielle Deane

Deb And Hilly
With love Kel x


You are amazing 🤩

Brendan Gorman
All the best Cindy

Cindy Milton

Melissa And Neil Herron
Never forgotten, our friend Sean.

Maria Waterfield
Always loved and never forgotten

Emily Crossey

Emma Bigwood
So proud of what you are doing. Love you babe!

Jen Lai

Simon Keogh

Karen Oliver

Tracy Hunt
You are amazing. I'm sure Brendan will be with you all the way 💗

Kellie Burns

Paulo Lasaro

Julieann Morosevich
Great cause ❤️

Erin H
Great cause Tamara, hope this helps reach your fundraising goal.


Your Friend
Good on you cindy

Chrisitina & Trace



Aadam Ismal

National Storage Matched Donation

Leanne Pracy
All the best you will do great

Keith Adams

National Storage Matched Donation

Russell Costello
Such a worthy cause Cind(y)

Dianne Wilson
Well done to you, thinking of you tomorrow x

Vanessa Wilson
What a wonderful tribute to you brother xo

I don't think I'd be able to walk the 9 klms but wish I could to remember my sister, Jo, who, like your brother, also took her own life ❤️
