Lifeline Melbourne

Out of the Shadows 2024

Lifeline Melbourne

Tragically, over 65,000 Australians attempt to take their own life and over 3,000 Australians lose their lives to suicide every year. These people are our family, friends and loved ones.

Lifeline Melbourne answers almost 35,000 calls each year, from people experiencing crisis. Many of them are thinking about taking their lives.

On 8 September, the Sunday before World Suicide Prevention Day (10 September), we will be walking to remember those we’ve lost to suicide, and raise funds for Lifeline Melbourne, to provide crisis support and suicide prevention services to save lives.

You can walk to remember a loved one, as a personal tribute for a friend or family member, or to show your support for Australians experiencing emotional distress or mental illness.

Please support our walk, maybe fundraise, or make a donation to help those in crisis. Together we can ensure that no one has to face their darkest moments alone.

Receive your FREE Out of the Shadows T-Shirt when you raise $39 for Lifeline Melbourne, as part of this activity. Click the 'Join Us' button to get started.

JOIN OUR CENTRE WALK: 'It's OK To Talk About Suicide'

DATE: Sunday 8 September
TIME: 9am-11am
LOCATION: Flagstaff Gardens (Lawn 7) 309-311 William St, West Melbourne
INFORMATION: Join us for this event which includes reading of a Memorial Roll, a 1km walk around Flagstaff Gardens, and an opportunity to tie a ribbon to commemorate your loved on (you may wish to complete additional laps up the the full 9km walk). Hosted by Lifeline Melbourne, Support After Suicide and The Compassionate Friends Victoria.
Please complete this form to register, where you can also provide a name for the Memorial Roll, should you wish to do so. REGISTER HERE

Thank you to our Sponsors


Jamie Mcdonald

Well done team.




Kerrie Bruce

To help you reach your goal to help prevent suicide


Norm Coleman




Tanya Peeler


Sharni Young


Jake Multari


Stephen Young




Rival Dog F Business

You better go the distance or I'll be coming for you


Harrison Wright

So proud of you Ashlie, make sure you drag Joe's lazy ass with you


Tony Simmons



Proud of you, friend!






Lois Peeler

Bless you every step of the way


Clancy Baker


Cleo De Kauwe


Dee Delaurier

You’re amazing and I love you.


Ailsa Jewell

Go Ashlie! Such a good cause, will be cheering you on in spirit!


Viona Purwanto




Trina & Lola Prajapati


Shanaika & Jayden

you got this mum!


Jem Hamaty



Beautiful Cleo In memory of all those that have left this world and all their loved ones, family and friends left to keep going ... My thoughts are with Mark,Kathy and Allen gone too soon❤️


Josh Soutar

Way to go Ash, you got a good heart


Sophocles Mavrelis


Murray Oakley



Love you bb


Jack Johnson


Shaz Letcher


Margaret Simmons

Well done team hand in hand




Ashlie Zimmerman




Karen Sherlock


Lisa Perks


Storm Mahan

I’m so thankful for your support and I’m proud of you for doing this x


Andres Vargas


Rosangela Vidal

Obrigada por ter me lembrado hoje que eu tenho a função e o privilégio de ser sua mãe. Você já ilumina o meu caminho! Imagina o que você pode fazer por você e pelos outros que estâo passando pelo mesmo problema.🎗💛


Stacey Blackmore


Gayle Blackmore

Good on you


Alice Myszka






Moira Harper

Happy to do this Libby. It’s a good way to remember Michael.


Kate Nash

Proud of you my girl


Cameron Michel

Love you xx


Cliona Walsh



Just a long term investment 😆


Keerthana Muhunthan


Tom Bell

Well done Tatiana, great cause!


Ed Noorbergen


Kelly Mann


Nexon Matched Donation





Good job aunty Cleo!


Ann Tan


Jean And Philip Wiegard


Tom Burke


Jane & Peter Hill



You rock ❤️❤️❤️


Laura Mcmaster


Anna Marcucci


Britt Slater

Yes Ashlie! Such a beautiful soul <3


Kees Van Niekerk


Graham James


Suzanne Lees

A very important cause


Keiran Humpherson

Love you, and well done on supporting a great cause.


Gabrielle Levine

Thank you Tatiana terrific thing you’re doing


Christian Ambatzis


Tatiana Estrada




Lloyd Mcletchie

Your amazing




National Storage Matched Donation


Gigi Walsh


Libby Schwarzinger


John Christie

Good on you, Tatiana. The statistics are appalling. Well done for making an effort to highlight the issue


Peta Cook


Jacqueline D’cruz

Great cause Cleo


Sharon Sole


Margaret Croxford



Manisha Malcolm

So proud of you Ash, you have such a generous heart <3


Tania Jovanovska


Terri Dry


Emma Bullard

Amazing work you gorgeous thing xx


Rubens Vidal Lourenco


Facebook Donation


Alexia-rose Alaya


Tanuj Prajapati


Marlon Thain

We gonna 500 miles and if we could walk 500 more



Well done Aunty, Very proud of you for taking part in this initiative!




Your Son

Congrats mum



For my mate Stu.


Alex Jakob

Well done team


Cara Briggs

Love you, proud of you! Stay strong xx


Hayley Vaughan

Well done! Amazing cause!


Damon De Kauwe

From Damon and Deadree


K Jay


Haydn U


Wendy D


Renee Hurley

You have a beautiful heart Tat. We need more humans like you in the world advocating for improved access and outcomes for those affected by mental health. Good luck with the walk and thank you for being you.


Nexon Matched Donation


Ellie Wells



Mario Whittle

Well done Cleona. You are running for a good cause. Keep up the good work.


Kirsty Fairless


Shea Blest


Courtney Fitzgerald

Go Ashlie!!




Isabella Smith

Go team!! Such an important cause


Pooja Rampersad


Rowena Boughton

Such a great cause. Goodluck!!


Stacey Yates

Well done Stacey. Remember our brother Darcy forever 28 💙


Adina Sayers






Ryan Poole


Callan Johnson

I’m sure we’ve all been at a point where we should’ve called lifeline but haven’t, but the people that do are so strong and brave for reaching out for help and all of this money donated will get people the help they need. Good job Sharn, what a good charity to donate to. Also good job walking 9kms, love ya x


Kate Swanton

Go team!


Ethan Savage


Aaron Kumar


Casey Capper




Campbell Elmer


Rachel Nash



Dillon Van Heer


Nexon Matched Donation


Chela Bokalawela




Shanara Kasturisinghe


Rachel W

You are incredible and doing incredible things. Thank you for being you <3


Gursimran Kaur

Donated. Good luck. Nikki



Such a good way to raise awareness Tatiana.




Crowley Black





Shireen Jayawardane

Great cause. Good luck.


Julie-anne Lyons


Joelle Opperman


Sapan Gill

Well done Cleo proud of you




Sommya Kalra


Dianne Diaz




Nexon Matched Donation


John Arden