We're walking to remember those lost to suicide and help people in crisis
Tragically, every year over 65,000 Australians attempt to take their own life and over 3,000 Australians die by suicide.
Lifeline receives over 1 million contacts from people in crisis each year.
Suicide has devastating impact on friends and loved ones.
For World Suicide Prevention Day (Sept 10), we will be taking part in Out of the Shadows and walking for the 9 people lost to suicide every day.
We are walking to raise funds for Lifeline to provide suicide prevention services and support Aussies in need.
Please support our walk and make a donation to help those in crisis.
Together we can ensure that no one has to face their darkest moments alone.
Our impact so far
We've raised $12,679 so far to answer 325 calls for Lifeline's crisis support hotline to connect and bring hope to people in crisis.
With your support, we can ensure that no person has to face their darkest moments alone.
Our Achievements

Thank you to our Sponsors

Cash donations at Jared's 9 for 9 Walk

Whitehaven Tarrawonga

Fox Wealth Advisory

Cash Donations At Jared's 9 For 9 Walk

Whitehaven Tarrawonga
For our workmate and colleague, Jonesy

Fox Wealth Advisory
Such an important cause. Proud to know you and support you, Kate.

Titan Tech
For our mate Jonesy

Jared's 9 For 9 Participants
Cash Donations from Jared's 9 for 9

Cardell-ree Family
Such a valuable cause

Sarah And Dominic O’sullivan

Isabella & Masa Nakasato
Great walk! Keep going Taryn!

Stuart & Mel Dunn

Kylie Henley
A cause that is close to my heart!

Eather Family

Lyons Family
This is a great cause, well done for supporting.

Td House
For Jared Jones

Alison Mason And Julie Avery
Love from Alison and Julie, sisters to Sydney

Andrew Grodzki
MTW C Crew for Jared

Jan Kane
Donation made with love In Memory of Tim Matthew and Jared.

Sally & Warwick Mitchell
Hope this small donation may help someone to access the all important assistance they need for support.

Nexon Matched Donation

Maurice And Lucille Collison
Well done to all involved, especially you Kate ❤️ I know this is very close to your heart. A great cause.

Stacey Gilford

Augusta Dimasi
Love always xx

Charlie D'agostino

Dorothy Elphinstone

For Little Jack

Libby Pittman

Sawyer Family
Sorry we can’t be there for the walk but think about you often lots of love and big hugs 🤗

Kerriann Blades

Carol Thorley

Sam H


Amanda Ballard
You are amazing Kate. Xxx

The Petal Folk
Sending love and light for Jared's walk....

Staff Of St Joseph's Primary School, Denman

Helen Bennett
Love from Jared's Ma

Elvis From Titan

Alana Straney


Marion Mcloughlin
You’re bringing suicide awareness into the light. Have a successful day. XX

Kalil Equine
Lots of love

National Storage Matched Donation

Mary-ellen And Dave Leedham
Well done Kate. Love and hugs, Dave and Mary-Ellen xx

Lynda Kerridge
Go Taryn. A great cause!!


Emy B
Great job!! Enjoy your walk

Lisa Day

Lisa Harvey
Steve and Jared would be so proud. 🩵


Cathy Findlay
All the best for your walk and raising awareness and funds for this moving cause

Jesse Snow

John Hunter

Lauren Chapman
My dear friend, always in my thoughts xx

Shannon Davey

Karen T

Michele & Rhod Edwards
Big Big Hugs xx In memory of Jared and many of our loved one's.

Jess Hunter

The Russ Family
We love you most

Cook Family
Good luck Taryn from the BGS Cooks.

Sue Ellen

A great cause Taryn

Karen, Jack Jones, Hunter
In Loving memory of my fiancé Jared Love forever Karen x In loving memory of my daddy Jared Love Forever Jack Jones x In Loving memory of my bonus father Jared Love forever Hunter x

Wendy Thrift From Titan

Helen Whale

Alison Mason
Love from Auntie Al...

Ann Maree And Keith Murray
Sorry we can't be there - sending love to Kate.

David Grumley
Titan Engineering - work colleague of Jared

Leonie Byrne
Such a great cause. Well done to all involved.

Craig & Jodie Sullivan

Charley Lane
A little donation is this, and one sent with light and love from the mothership in the sky: the Father to us all. Amen.

Kate Jones

Leann Allan

Jenny Hughes
Remembering Jared and other loved ones lost 🫶

Deb Barnes

National Storage Matched Donation

Taryn Cox

Karen Mcintyre
In memory of Jared and Steve, in peace together.

Bree Daniel (locke)

Susannah Etchells

Lara Kane
Great cause to support.

Sullivan Family

Michael Tansley

Fiona Cornish

National Storage Matched Donation

Anne-maree Nairne

Marianne & Garry Brooker

Michael Fleming
For my mate, Jared

Angus Sullivan

Connor Sullivan

Dominic Sullivan
